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A foam mattress is really a comfortable thing to sleep on. The cushions are filled with air, which provides a perfect and adequate comfort to sleep or rest. The air filled in the pores of the mattress, pull and push the air whenever we sit or sleep, which makes it susceptible to dust. The dust then accumulates into the mattress and causes allergies, moreover, the stains, spills, sweat and dead human skin cells provides the perfect condition for bacterias and germs.

Thus, the cleaning of a mattress becomes necessary. Mattress dry cleaning is the fastest and convenient way to dry clean the mattress. Mattress needs a proper and thorough cleaning session from time to time. While steam cleaning is safe to do once or twice in a year, foam mattress dry cleaning can be done once every month.

Mattress Dry Cleaning

Mattress Dry Cleaning

Below Are Some Ways For Mattress Dry Cleaning & Mattress Sanitization

The below-mentioned methods would help you in treating your mattress effectively. By following these methods you can disinfect your mattress and do the mattress sanitization.

Method-1: Foam Mattress Dry Cleaning Using Baking Soda Or Borax.

To start with mattress dry cleaning, you need to vacuum clean the mattress first. Thoroughly vacuum clean the mattress, add an upholstery brush attachment and then run the vacuum cleaner from both the sides.
Then treat the stains, if there are stains treat them separately. Use commercial mattress stain removal products.
When you’re done with treating the stains, fill some clean water in a spray bottle and then dampen the surface.
Now take either borax or baking soda, borax is toxic thus you should use protection, such as gloves or mask and also keep away kids and pets while doing the work. Sprinkle the powder on all over the mattress surface.
When the mattress gets dry, run the vacuum all over again and thoroughly vacuum the mattress. After that flip the mattress and repeat the process again.

Mattress Dry Cleaning with Baking Soda

Mattress Dry Cleaning with Baking Soda

Method-2: Foam Mattress CLeaning Using Vodka.

Vodka is an alcoholic spirit, which is used as a recreational by many people, besides being a beverage it has some other properties as well. Vodka can also be used as a disinfectant, its high level of spirit makes it powerful enough to kill bacterias and germs.
Being a powerful disinfectant vodka is safe on skin, but before using it vacuum to clean the mattress and then treat the stains. While vacuum cleaning attach an upholstery brush
Pour vodka in a spray bottle and spray it on the mattress surface directly. Let it dry for few hours, turn on fans and open windows.
When you’re done with all the vacuum cleaning and stain removal. Pour the vodka in a spray bottle and spray it all over the mattress and let it sit while the fan is on. Apply the vodka on both sides of the mattress.
Before using the mattress make sure the vodka is all evaporated and the mattress is not moist.

Call Professionals For The Complete Mattress Cleaning Services.

Peters Cleaning Services is one of the renown professional mattress cleaners. We have a wide range of services available for mattress cleaning. So if allergens are causing trouble, you can call us for a cleaning session, we are known to best ways for mattress cleaning. Our expert mattress cleaners are highly skilled, they have years of experience. We’re specialized in all kind of mattress cleaning services, also we’re expert in mattress sanitization. Do not look further for professional mattress cleaner, book our service, visit our website today to know the free estimates for mattress cleaning.

Mattress Sanitization

Mattress Sanitization