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Do you remember when was the last time you vacuum your carpet? Most probably a few weeks ago, if we ain’t wrong. Carpet collects and absorbs all kinds of dust and debris from the surroundings. Although you usually vacuum it, let’s say on a weekly basis, still, there are some stains remaining on the carpet. You must remove them immediately and clean the carpet to avoid the bacteria growing in it. These bacteria and stains have ill effects on your health. They can cause many kinds of health issues. 

So, it is very important to disinfect a carpet too often. Now, disinfecting the carpet can be done by using various methods and techniques. It is considered that steam cleaning is one of the best methods to clean and disinfect the carpets. However, everyone cannot afford to get a steam cleaner, and even if they get it, they won’t use it often. That is why we share a few tips through which you can clean your carpet without a steam cleaner.

Here are a few carpet disinfection tips without a steam cleaner:

1) Clear up space- Remove all the furniture and upholstery from your carpets. Then vacuum it to remove all the loose dust and debris that is present. If you want thorough cleaning then clean the carpet in four different directions using the vacuum. It will help a lot.

2) Make a disinfecting solution- Add equal parts of vinegar and cold water in a bucket. Put a little bit of liquid dish soap in this solution. Mix it completely until it becomes foamy. This is the most effective solution that you have prepared which has both cleaning and disinfecting properties. Ensure to test a small patch with this because it can cause discoloration in some carpets.

3) Scrub your carpet- use the mixture in the bucket and scrub your carpet using a scrubbing brush. This can actually be fun! But do not soak the carpet in this mixture. Just scrub it one part at a time. After scrubbing, let it sit for about 5 to 6 minutes.

4) Rinse it- Take cold clean water and use this to rinse the carpet. Use a rag to scrub and clean the carpets using this cold water. This will remove all the dirt and bacteria. You can change the rag or water if they get dirty.

5) Leave it for drying- Clean and dry your carpet on a dry day if possible. If you clean it on a dry day or low humidity day, there are chances that your carpet will dry faster. It is necessary to dry the carpet fast otherwise it can cause mould. You can even use a fan and dry it completely.

6) Vacuum it again- Again, vacuum your carpet, cover the whole area of the carpet. This will get rid of all the remaining residue. Running a vacuum now will also get rid of the disinfecting solution that was used earlier. In this step, your carpet will fluff up and come back to its original state. Your carpet will look amazing again. 

7) Maintain the carpet in disinfected form- Disinfecting the carpet once does not help at all. You must keep the carpets disinfected for a long time. We understand that maintaining the disinfection of the carpet is not easy. So, for this, you can use an easy method. Take equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture all over the carpet and it will stay disinfected for a long time. Do this method once a week or every fortnight. 

Why is there a need for hiring our professionals?

Although the carpet disinfection methods seem easy, they are actually quite hard to perform. No matter how hard you try, your carpet does not get completely disinfected because you lack the strength of a steam cleaner. Also, professional knowledge is far better than performing these methods at home.